Purple Heart Glory

The scientific name of Purple Heart Glory: Ipomoea sepiaria

Name of Purple Heart Glory in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Lakshmana, Asrabinduchada, Klitani, Putrada, Nagini.

English: Ipomoea, Heart glory leaf.

Hindi: Bankalmi.

Malayalam: Tiruthali – തിരുതാളി

Plant description:

Ipomoea or Tiruthaly is commonly found in altitudes below 150 m. near streams and lakes, it is a perennial climber vine with heart-shaped green leaves 2.5 to 7.5 cm long and 2.2 to 5.7 cm wide, stems are thin, brownish, flowers are cream in color, 2.5 to 4 cm long. This plant spreads over walls, plants, fences, etc,. It is one of the Dasaspushpam in Ayurveda herbal combinations.

Useful plant parts:

Flower, whole plant.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Cordate Margin-Entire Venation-Arcuate

Medicinal uses:

To treat uterus disorders swelling in the body due to viper bite, pita disorders, infertility, skin diseases, dysentery.

Chemical content:

Antidote of Arsenic poison.

How to prepare medicines:

One of Dasaspushpam

It is  one of the ingredients in the Ayurveda medicines like-

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