Classification of Medicinal Plants

Ayurvedic Classification of Medicinal Plants

Ayurvedic classification of medicinal plants involves categorizing herbs and plants based on their qualities, actions, and therapeutic applications. This system helps practitioners select appropriate remedies for specific health conditions. The classifications include:

  1. Rasa (Taste): Six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent) indicate a plant’s effects on doshas and tissues.
  2. Guna (Quality): Describes the inherent attributes of plants (heavy/light, hot/cold, oily/dry, sharp/dull, smooth/rough, dense/liquid).
  3. Virya (Potency): Refers to a plant’s heating or cooling effect, influencing doshas and therapeutic applications.
  4. Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Identifies the long-term effect of a plant on digestion and tissue transformation.
  5. Prabhava (Special Effect): Unique properties or actions that some plants exhibit beyond their normal attributes.
  6. Karma (Action): Describes the therapeutic effects of plants on the body, mind, and doshas.
  7. Doshic Affinity: Indicates which dosha(s) a plant-primarily affects (Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or a combination).
  8. Part Used: Identifies which part of the plant (root, leaf, flower, etc.) is used for medicinal purposes.
  9. Habitat and Preparation: Information about where the plant is found, its growth conditions, and how it should be harvested and prepared for use.
  10. Contraindications and Precautions: Advisories on potential side effects, interactions, or situations where the plant should be avoided.

This classification system guides Ayurvedic practitioners in formulating remedies tailored to an individual’s constitution and specific health concerns. It ensures the safe and effective use of medicinal plants in Ayurvedic treatments. Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized advice.

Kerala Ayurvedic Classification-Oushadayogangal

Other Ayurvedic combinations

1. Ashtapathram

Ashta means ‘8’ & Leaves (Patra): Leaves are rich in various nutrients and are used for their cooling and nourishing effects.

1. Kayyonni
2. Aadalodakam
3. Koovalam
4. Padavalam
5. Cheruvazhuthina
6. Mukkapeeram
7. Ponnara veeram
8. Kanjikoorkka

2. Madhuthrayam

1. Neyyu – Ghee
2. Then – Honey
3. Panchasara – Sugar

3. Panchalavanam

1. Saindhava Lavana (rock salt)
2. Sauvarchala Lavana (black salt)
3. Samudra Lavana (sea salt)
4. Vida Lavana (Vida salt)
5. Romaka Lavana

4. Panchaloham

1. Swarnam – Gold
2. Velli – Silver
3. Chembu – Copper
4. Irumbu – Iron
5. Eeyam

5. Thrimadhuram

1. Neyyu – Ghee
2. Sharkara – Jaggery
3. Then – Honey

6. Tri Yavam

  1. Wheat (Godhuma)
  2. Rice (Shashtika Shali)
  3. Barley (Yava): 

Classification of Medicinal Plants Basis on habit

1. Grasses
2. Sedge
3. Herbs
4. Shrubs
5. Trees
6. Climbers
7. Aquatic
8. Annual
9. Biennial

Classification of Medicinal Plants based on useful parts

1. Wood
2. Stem
3. Root
4. Barks
5. Fruit
6. Nut
7. Flower
8. Resin
9. Rhizomes

Nakshatravrukshangal-Plants related to Astrological  Stars

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