Navayasam Gulika

Navayasam Gulika is a potent Ayurvedic medicine known for its therapeutic properties. It is primarily used in the treatment of fever, respiratory disorders, and digestive issues. The name “Navayasam” translates to “nine metals,” indicating the presence of various purified metals in its formulation. These metals are subjected to rigorous purification processes to eliminate any potential toxic elements.

The specific ingredients and their proportions can vary based on the formulation and manufacturer. However, common ingredients may include metals like iron, copper, zinc, lead, silver, gold, mercury, etc.

Due to the presence of metals and their potential toxicity, Navayasam Gulika should only be used under the strict supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using any Ayurvedic medicine, especially those containing metals. Self-medication or improper use can be dangerous and potentially harmful. Always follow the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider.

Navayasa Churna is mainly prescribed for the treatment of anemia, and skin and liver problems. It is used in the treatment of Heart diseases, Skin diseases, Anemia, Piles, and Jaundice. It controls Pitta.

Medicinal plants and other ingredients used in the preparation of Navayasa Choornam

Click to find the details of the ingredients

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