
Scientific name of Mayila: Vitex altissima

Name of Mayila in different languages:-

English: Milla, Tall chaste tree, Peacock chaste tree, Peacock’s foot tree

Sanskrit: Atulam, Tilakam

Hindi: Tilakapushpa, Myrole

Tamil: Mayilai nochi, Mayilaadi

Malayalam: Mylellu, Attumayila, Mayila-മൈല

Plant description:

Mayila is a large shrub or tree growing up to 40 m.,  branches obtusely quadrangular. Leaves are arranged oppositely compound, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, palmate, 3 to 5 foliate, winged rachis, tapered at both the ends. The back side of the leaves  white. Flowers are borne in the hairy panicles at the branch end, color whitish and tinged with blue. Fruits are ovoid drupes, with a hard seed.

Useful plant parts: root and leaves

Medicinal uses:

To treat kapha, vata problems, inflammation, ulcers, allergy, worm infestations, urinary diseases, eczema, wounds, jaundice and fever.

Chemical contents: antiseptic

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