Indian Laburnum

The Scientific name of Indian Laburnum: Cassia fistula

Name of Indian Laburnum in different languages:

English: Golden shower tree

Sanskrit: Aragvadha, Chaturangula, Kritamala, Suvarnaka

Hindi: Amaltaas (अमलतास), Bendra lathi

Malayalam: Kanikkonna (കണിക്കൊന്ന), Ophirpponnu (ഓഫീർപ്പൊന്ന്), Karnikaram (കർണ്ണികാരം), അരഗ്വധം, സുവർണ്ണകം

Plant description:

Indian Laburnum is one of the most beautiful tropical trees growing up to 40 feet tall, the bark is grey in color, the leaves are green alternately arranged, and flowers occur in March – April, it sheds all its leaves and bursts into a mass of long bunches like yellow gold, clusters of flowers. The wood is hard and heavy and reddish; the fruits are pudding pipe-shaped, shiny dark brown in color, 2 feet long, which contain, brown seeds, up to 100 seeds in one pod.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Lanceoate Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulate
 Margin_Entire  Recticulate

Useful plant parts:

Flower, bark, root.

Medicinal uses:

To treat Vata, Pita, Kapha disorders, blood purification, constipation, piles, common cold, fever, flatulence, skin problems, etc.

Chemical content:

Anthraquinone,  tannin, volatile oil, and phlobaphanes

How to prepare medicines:

bathing in bark decoction can reduce skin diseases.

Ayurveda properties

Rasa (Taste) Madhur (Sweet)
Guna (Physical Property ) Mridu, Guru, Singdha (Soft, Heavy, Unctuous Oily)
Virya (Potency) Sheetha(Cold)
Vipaka (Metabolic Property) Madhur (Sweet)

Indian Laburnum is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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