English: Puncture-vine, Caltrop, bullhead, cat’s head, goat head, devil’s eyelashes, devil’s thorn, devil’s weed,
Hindi: Bindii, burra gokharu.
Sanskrit: Gokshura
Malayalam: Njerinjil ഞെരിഞ്ഞിൽ
Puncture Vine or Goathead ( Tribulus Terrestris) is a tropical herb, that grows to 1 m. tall, leaves are pinnate and oppositely arranged, stem branched, the flowers are lemon yellow in color, petals. The nuts are hard, bear 2 to 4 sharp spines, about 10 mm long and 6 mm wide, and resemble goat’s heads.
Useful plant parts:
Fruits, leaf, and root
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Odd-pinnate | Margin-Entire | Venation-pinnate |
Medicinal uses:
To increase physical and sexual power, useful in the treatment of kidney, bladder, urinary tract disorders, Vata disorders, TB, etc.
Chemical contents of Yellow Vine:
Oryzalin, benefin, Adaptogen
Warning: Do not use it in the time of breastfeeding and pregnancy, it may cause very low blood sugar.
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