Family: Sapindaceae
English: Wild Angelica
Sanskrit: Choraka
Hindi: Chora
Malayalam: Njara-ഞറ
Wild Angelica is a tall biennial, some time perennial herbs in the family of Apiaceae, mostly found in India western Ghat area, grow to 1 to 3 m tall, the leaves are large, bipinnate, the flowers are large, compound umbels of white or greenish-white in colour. Stem is slender and hollow like Daliya Plant,
Medicinal uses:
relive the body pain, lowers blood pressure, gastric problems like indigestion, flatulence and dyspepsia, relieve joints pain, muscle aches, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Useful plant parts:
Root, Seed
Chemical contents:
β-terebangelene, apterin, coumarins, Essential oils, terpenes, glycosides.
Medicinal properties:
diuretic, diaphoretic and, antitoxic, stimulant, stomachic, nervine, hepatic, tonic and expectorant
How to prepare medicines:
Indigestion:- One teaspoon of Well ground seeds can be consumed with honey.
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