White cedar

The Scientific name of White cedar: Dysoxylum malabaricum

Name of White cedar in different languages:

English: White cedar

Hindi: एरंडी -Erandi

Malayalam: Akil-അകിൽ, Purippa, Vellakil-വെള്ളകിൽ

Plant  description:

White cedar-Dysoxylum malabaricum commonly known as Malabar Mahogany, is a species of tree found in the Western Ghats of India. It holds significance in traditional medicine and is known for its valuable timber.a evergreen forest regions of Western Ghats grow to 35 m high, bark is grayish-yellow, 5 to 8 mm thick, rough, and fissure; Leaves are imparipinnate, alternately arranged, leaflets are 7 to 11 cm. Flowers are bisexual, greenish-yellow in color, and fragrant with 5 to 6 mm long.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Cuniate Margin-Entire Venation-Pinnate
 Margin_Entire  Venation-pinnate

Useful plant parts:

Bark, wood

Chemical content:

Rohitukine (C16H19O5N), achromane alkaloid.

Medicinal Properties:


Medicinal uses:

To treat rheumatism, to cure eye and ear diseases, to cure inflammation, cardio-disorder, CNS disorder, tumors.


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