English: star lotus, red and blue water lily, blue star water lily
Sanskrit: Kumudam, Ulpalam
Hindi: Kokka, Kanval.
Malayalam: Ampal-ആമ്പൽ
Waterlily is a water plant, day-blooming, submerged roots and stems. leaves float over the water surface against the water level, it is round and green on top and darker on the underside, with a size is about 20 to 23 cm, flowers are star-shaped and beautiful, usually violet to blue in color or white, size 4 to5 sepals and 13 to 15 petals, stem stems are fixed in rhizome underwater with number of tube roots fixed to the soil.
Medicinal uses: The Rhizomes and Flowers of Waterlilies are used for cardiac debility, diarrhea, dysentery, and skin diseases.
Useful plant parts:
Flower, Seed
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Round | Margin-Crenate | Venation-Arcuate |
How to prepare medicines:
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