English: Water chestnut, Buffalo nut, Singhara, Batnut, Devil pod
Sanskrit: Kachora
Hindi: Singhada-सिंघाडा, Pani-phal-पानीफल
Tamil: Neer kombuchedy- நீர்கொம்புச் செடி
Malayalam: Vankottakkaya-വൻകൊട്ടക്കായ, Karimbolam-കരിമ്പോളം, Kakkamulluകാക്കമുള്ള്
It is an annual aquatic plant, growing in slow-current water, depths up to 5 meters, the leaves are float over the water surface, small, arranged in a rosette manner, margin toothed, size 2 to 4 cm, the flowers are small, white flowers consist of four 8 mm long petals and 4 green sepals, and it is located at the center of the plant. The fruits are brownish-black, four-horned, about 3 cm sized nuts that resemble the head of buffalo an ox, or a flying bat, which grows underwater, and contain a single, large, white, starchy seed.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Diamond | Margin-Serrated | Venation-Reticulate |
Useful plant parts: Seed
Medicinal uses:
Used as Aphrodisiac, Appetizer, Antibacterial, Anti-pyretic, Astringent, Coolant, Diuretic, and Tonic.
Chemical contents:
Phytosterols, Flavanoids, Saponins, Glycosides
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