English: Devil beans, Cow itch, Indian Vayagra bean
Sanskrit: Athmaguptha, Kapikachu
Malayalam: Naikkurana നായ്ക്കുരണ
Velvet bean – Mucuna pruriens is an annual, climbing vine that grows over 15 m., when the plant is young it is fully covered with stinging, fuzzy hairs, touching may cause heavy itching, leaves are tri-pinnately arranged, ovate or widely ovate, grooved, and the tips are tapered. The flower is purple, in clusters, fruits are like pods, 10 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide, carry up to seven seeds, seeds are shiny black or brown in color, flattened, ellipsoids, 1 to 1.9 cm long and 0.8 to 1.3 cm wide.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Cordate | Margin-Entire | Venation-palmate |
Useful plant parts:
Root, Seed
Medicinal uses:
It is a is a miraculous herbal medicine, that will vitalize testosterone glands that produce male sex hormones and increase semen quality and quantity, thereby curing infertility and making sexual life durable and enjoyable. It is also used in the treatments of Parkinson’s disease, nervous disorders, neuro-muscular disorders, Blood pressure, and Diabetes. It is used as a medicine for neurological disorders and also used as a general tonic and energizer.
The root of the plant is applied to treat elephantiasis
Chemical contents:
Glucocide, Galicacid, lesidhin, glutathione, dyhyroxiphinyl, protein, mucunain, levodopa(Amino acid) and serotonin
How to prepare medicines:
The root of the plant is used in the prevention of premature ejaculation in males ( a piece of the plant root is kept in the mouth while the time of coitus to long the time makes the sex enjoyable).
Dried bean powder consumed with milk daily can purify the blood.
Joy Kurikkilamkattil,
Ulikkal P.O.
Kannur Dt., Kerala, India- 670 705
Fax : 04602229191,
E-mail: jjherbals@yahoo.com
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