Vatsakadi Kashayam

Vatsakadi Kashayam, also known as Vatsakadi Kwath, is an Ayurvedic herbal decoction. It is a traditional medicinal preparation used in Ayurvedic medicine, which originated in ancient India.

The primary ingredients of Vatsakadi Kashayam typically include Vatsaka – Snowflake tree/Connessi Bark – Holarrhena antidysenterica, Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), and Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), along with other herbs depending on the specific formulation.

Vatsakadi Kashayam is primarily used for disorders related to the gastrointestinal tract, particularly conditions involving diarrhea and dysentery. It is believed to help in regulating bowel movements and promoting digestive health.

As with any herbal remedy, it is important to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before starting any new treatment. They can provide you with the best advice based on your specific circumstances and health condition. Dosage and duration of use may vary depending on individual factors.

It is prepared according to the reference of Chakradatta.

Medicinal plants and other ingredients used in the  preparation of  Vatsakadi Kashayam

Click to find the details of the ingredients

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