English: Indian Valerian, Valerian Jatamansi, Taggar
Sanskrit: Kalanusari, Nata
Hindi: Takaram- तगरम्
Tamil: Tagarai
Malayalam: Takaram- തകരം, Jadamanchi-ജടാമാഞ്ചി
It is an erect, perennial plant, found in the Himalayas region of India, it grows up to four feet tall, with leaves arranged pinnately, divided, and heart-shaped, Flowers are pink or white born on the leaf top as clusters. The roots are brown, hairy, and spindly mass. The rhizomes are the useful plant part used as medicines in Ayurveda, which is greenish-brown in color and hard.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Cordate | Margin-Entire | Venation-Arcuate |
Useful plant parts:
Root, rhizome
Medicinal uses:
To reduce high BP, stress, and anxiety, to cure muscle spasms and menstrual cramps, nervous, and eye disorders, asthma, menstrual disorders, muscle cramps, and blood and liver problems.
Chemical contents:
Alkaloids (Chatarine and Valerianine, valerenic acids), Arginine, hydroxy valerenic acid, acethoxy valerenic acid, Tyrosine, and Glutamine.
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