Sanskrit: Darvi, Daruharidra, Peetadaru, Peetadru, Krishnacandana, Daru-haridrakam, pita Candanak, Kaleyaka.
English: Black sandalwood
Hindi: Daruhaldi, Jharihaldi
Malayalam: Maramanjal മരമഞ്ഞൾ
Tree Turmeric- Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr is a dioecious climber, woody plant, found in Western ghats, it is endangered in India, leaves are arranged almost spirally yellowish-green ovate-oblong, sized up to 30 cm long and 22 cm broad, heart-shaped, petioles up to 15 cm long, a small tail at apex, simple and oppositely arranged. The flowers are yellow or whitish, flowering is August to October. The fruits are brown or yellowish consists of three drupes, 1 to 3 cm in diameter and globular.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Heart shaped | Margin-Entire | Venation-Arcuated |
Useful plant parts :
Bark, stem
Medicinal uses of Tree Turmeric:
to treat venomous bites with anti-diabetic properties, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant and several alkaloids.
Chemical content of Tree Turmeric:
Antiseptic, Antibiotic
Tree Turmeric, scientifically known as Berberis aristata, is a plant with several traditional uses in Ayurvedic medicine. Here are some of its applications:
It’s important to note that while Tree Turmeric has a history of traditional use, scientific research on its specific Ayurvedic applications is limited. As with any herbal remedy, consulting a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before using Tree Turmeric for therapeutic purposes is recommended. They can provide guidance on proper dosage, preparation, and potential interactions with other medications or conditions.
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