English: Indian Uvaria
Sanskrit: Neelavalli, Valeeshakhota
Tamil: puliccan, pulikkan
Malayalam: Narum panal, Kureel (നറും പാണൽ, കുരീൽ )
It is a large woody shrub, found as a weed in semi-forest areas, The woody grows up to 3 meters, its branches slender, dark green, the leaves are simple, arranged alternately, lanceolate, oblong to elliptic, about 16 cm long, and 6 cm across, margin entire, base acute, asymmetrical, apex acuminate, dark green, glabrous, and shining above.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-lanceolate | Margin-Entire | Venation-pinnate |
Useful plant parts:
Root and leaves
Medicinal uses:
To treat intermittent fevers, jaundice, rheumatic disorders, biliousness, and skin diseases.
Chemical contents:
Triterpenes taraxerol, beta-sitosterol, glutinol, glutinone, uvariamicins
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