English: parviflora, Small Flowered Poison Sumac
Sanskrit: Tintidika, Tintrini
Hindi: Tungala, Raitung, Tumra, Tung
Malayalam: Thindikavrusham-തിണ്ടികവൃക്ഷം
It is a shrub, commonly found in the Himalayas region at an altitude above 700 M., many-branched with stalked leaves with three leaflets, The leaves are obovate, with rounded tips, tapering at bases, toothed margins, and irregular. Flowers are small, pale yellowish, and fragrant. Fruit is small, globose, and turns red when ripe.
Useful plant parts:
Whole plant, root.
Medicinal uses:
Used in the treatment of stomachache, vermifuge, sunstroke, and neurological problems.
Chemical contents:
Biflavonoid, rhusflavone
Medicinal properties:
purgative, astringent, stomachic
Learn more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22579675
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