Slow Match Tree

The scientific name of Slow Match Tree: Careya arborea

Name of Slow Match Tree in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Kumbhi, Bhadrendrani, गिरिकर्णिका Girikarnika, Kaidarya, कालिंदी Kalindi

English: Wild Guava, Ceylon Oak, Patana Oak

Hindi: Kumbi

Malayalam: Pezhu പേഴ്

Plant description:-

pezhu-Slow Match Tree or Wild Guava – Careya arborea is a medium, deciduous tree, up to 20 m tall, commonly in tropical areas, and Western Ghat areas. The leaves are dark green, ovate to oblong, turn red when aged, arranged spirally, often clustered, simple, tapering at the base. Flowers are large, and white, and found in an erect raceme at the branch apex. The fruit is large, many-seeded drupe, globose, green, and crowned with sepals. Careya arborea, commonly known as the “Kumbhi” or “Kumbhi Tree,” is a species of flowering tree native to South Asia. It is valued for its various traditional and medicinal uses. The tree’s bark, leaves, and fruits have been employed in herbal remedies by certain cultures. 

Useful plant parts:
Wood, flower, bark

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Ovate Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulated
 Eliptic-oval-shaped-with-no-apex  Margin_Entire  Recticulate

Medicinal uses: 

Coughs and colds and applied externally as an embrocation.

Chemical content:

Astringent and mucilaginous


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