English: Dankuni plant
Sanskrit: shaivala, jalanili, sheval, jalaj, shevalum
Hindi: Manglya pushpi
Malayalam: Vishnukranthy വിഷ്ണുക്രാന്തി, ചെറുകടല, വർത്തൂളകളായം, വട്ടക്കടല, മലങ്കടല, സതീനജം.
Useful plant parts of Slender Dwarf Morning Glory: Whole plant
Slender Dwarf Morning Glory- Evolvulus alsinoides (Linn.) is commonly found in drylands, above the altitude of 1600 m., a perennial, spreading vine, slender, grows to 30 cm long. The leaves are simple, oblong to ovate, hair, and sized to 2 cm long, flowers are blue, flowering is May to December.
Medicinal uses:
Stomach problems, increase wisdom and memory power, bronchial disorders, fits, toxic etc.
Chemical content: Antioxidents, Skopoletin, Caumerin
How to prepare medicines:
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