Saraca Tree

The Scientific name of Saraca Tree: Saraca indica

Name of Saraca Tree in different languages:-

Sanscrit: Ashoka

Hindi: Ashok

Malayalam: Ashokam-അശോകം, Pravahika-പ്രവാഹിക

Plant description:

The Ashoka or saraca is a rain-forest tree found almost all over the southern part of India, erect and growing up to 20-25 feet tall, with evergreen, foliage with deep green leave and fragrant flowers growing in dense clusters of orange-yellow in color. Its flowering season is February – April. Seeds are contained in a strong shell and their size is about 1 inch long and a half of its width.

Useful plant parts:

Bark, root’s bark, flower

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Lanceolate Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulated
 longitudinal  Margin_Entire  Recticulate

Medicinal uses:

Anti-toxic, Antiseptic, to treat Piles, Wounds, Many of women’s diseases, Anti-aging.

How to prepare medicines:

Flavanoid matter has been extracted from flowers, which is used to prevent and treat skin cancers.

Saraca Tree is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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