
Scientific name of Canscora: Canscora decussata Roem and Schult

Name of Canscora in different languages:-

English; Canscora

Sanskrit: Shanapushpi

Hindi: Sangupushpi

Malayalam: Kanjenkora, Samgamoli, Shanapushpi

Plant description:

It is an erect flowering herbs,mostly found in wet/ moist deciduous forests in Kerala, also in the plain areas, it grow to 35 cm high; stems are slender, narrowly four-winged. The leaves are 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm broad, shape elliptic/lanceolate, the base is rounded, apex tapered, tri-nerved at base, subsessile, the flowers are small bluish white four petaled, flowering and fruiting is in between Nov-December, the seeds are angular.

Useful plant parts:

Whole plant

Medicinal uses:

To treat cerebral abnormalities, burning sensation, edema, urinary disorders, snake-bites, epilepsy, insomnia, it is used as a brain tonic and also recommended for sexual debilities and improve seminal quality.

Chemical content:

Phenolic compounds, triterpenoids, and xanthones.

Medicinal properties:

Analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-tubercular, anti-inflammatory

How to prepare medicines:

It is one of the ingredients in the Ayurveda medicines like:-


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