Sanscrit: Ankolah
Hindi: Ankol-अंकोल
Malayalam: Ankolam-അങ്കോലം
It is a tall tree with spines and grows at a height of 3 to 10 meters. The bark of the tree is ash in color and rough. The leaves are long. The flowers are greenish-white in color. The berries are smooth and violet to purple when they become ripe. The flowering season is between February to June.
Useful plant parts:
Root, Seed, and Bark.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-lanceolate | Margin-Entire | Venation-reticulated |
Medicinal uses:
How to prepare medicines:
It is used to treat Rheumatic pains, Bone diseases, etc., and its leaves and wood are used as a pesticide.
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