English: Trellis-vine
Sanskrit: Uttamarani, Kurutakah, Visanika, Kakajangha
Hindi: Utaran, Sagovani
Tamil: Uttamani, Seendhal kodi
Malayalam: Veliparatti.
It is a perennial twining herb with hairy stem, it produces an irritating-smelling when it is crushed, it produce a milky juice, Leaves are heart-shaped, thin, broadly ovate, or nearly circular, hairless color Greenish yellow or off white, and the flowers are borne in lateral cymes which are at first corymb-like, sweet-scented and five petaled,hairy and spreading outwards, flowering is August to February.
Useful plant parts:
Latex, leaf, Seeds
Chemical contents:
Terpenoid, flavonoids, sterols and cardenolids
Medicinal uses:
To treat pcos, liver disorders, jaundice, control blood sugar levels, infantile diarrhea, malarial fevers, bronchitis, stomach pain and cure minor wound.
Pergularia, commonly known as Utthani or Latakaranja, has a place in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Some of its potential uses include:
It’s important to remember that the uses mentioned here are based on traditional knowledge and practices of Ayurveda. Scientific evidence may not fully support all of these uses, and individual responses can vary.
Medicinal properties:
Antibacterial,anti fungal, antioxidant and anti-toxic
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