
The scientific name of Pergularia: Pergularia daemia.

Synonyms: Asclepias daemia, Cynanchum extensum

Name of Pergularia in different languages:-

English: Trellis-vine

Sanskrit: Uttamarani, Kurutakah, Visanika, Kakajangha

Hindi: Utaran, Sagovani

Tamil: Uttamani, Seendhal kodi

Malayalam: Veliparatti.

Plant description:

It is a perennial twining herb with hairy stem, it produces an irritating-smelling when it is crushed, it produce a milky juice, Leaves are heart-shaped, thin, broadly ovate, or nearly circular, hairless color Greenish yellow or off white, and the flowers are borne in lateral cymes which are at first corymb-like, sweet-scented and five petaled,hairy and spreading outwards, flowering is August to February.

Useful plant parts:

Latex, leaf, Seeds

Chemical contents:

Terpenoid, flavonoids, sterols and cardenolids

Medicinal uses:

To treat pcos, liver disorders, jaundice, control blood sugar levels, infantile diarrhea,  malarial  fevers, bronchitis, stomach pain  and cure minor wound.

Ayurveda uses of Pergularia


Medicinal properties:

Antibacterial,anti fungal, antioxidant and anti-toxic

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