English: Edible Passion Flower, Purple granadilla
Malayalam: Passionfruit-പാഷൻഫ്രൂട്ട്
Sanskrit: Mamataphala, Amlaphala
Hindi: Passion fruit
It is a woody, perennial, climber vine, growing up to 9 m in height with the help of tendrils, leaves are three-lobed, toothed, up to 20 cm long, deep green and glossy, and the stem is purplish. The flowers are fragrant, purple outer and white inner, fruits are ball-shaped or ovoid, purple or greenish-yellow, sized up to 3 inches, Numerous small and black seeds are contained in the fruits which are double-walled, membranous sacs filled with orange-colored and sweet and aromatic.
Useful plant parts:
Medicinal uses:
Asthma, BP, mouth ulcer, heart problems, Osteoarthritis, hypertension and anxiety
Chemical content:
Provitamin A beta-carotene, vitamin C, lycopene
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