English: Ukshi
Sanskrit: Sushavi
Hindi: Kokoray
Malayalam: Pullani പുല്ലാനി
It is a large climbing shrub , grows up to 10 m long, commonly found in waste lands, evergreen forests, Western Ghats. The leaves are ovoid, up to 12 cm long; branches are rust colored and hairy. The flowers occur in branch ends, they are in dense clusters.
Useful plant parts:
Whole plant
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Ovate | Margin-Entire | Venation-pinnate |
Medicinal uses:
Useful in intestinal worms, colic, leprosy, malaria fever, dysentery, ulcers and vomiting. The fruits are useful to treat jaundice, ulcers, pruritus and skin diseases.
Chemical content:
Astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, depurative, diaphoretic
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