
Scientific name of Papaya: Carica papaya

Name of Papaya  in different languages:-

English: Melon tree, pawpaw

Hindi: अरणड खरबुजा arand-kharbuza, पपैया papaiya, पपीता papita

Sanskrit: Erandakarkati-एरण्ड कर्कटी, Chirbhita

Malayalam: Papaya പപ്പായ, Omakkai, Kappalnga, കപ്പങ്ങ kappanga

Tamil: கனியாமணக்கு kaniyamanakku, பப்பாளி pappali

Plant description:

It is native to  Central America and Mexico and, it is short lived, fast growing  tree with straight, single hollow stem, grow up to 10 m tall, leaves are alternate, arranged spirally, large and sized up to 70 cm diameter, palmately seven-lobed, forming a crown at the apex, The flowers are yellowish- green, appear in the leaf axils. The fruit is large, green outer and white color inside and hollow, grows up to 45 cm long and 30 cm in diameter, it turns yellow and fleshy orange, sweet fruits contain many black seeds inside.

Useful plant parts:

Leaf, Fruit, resin

Medicinal uses:

Betacarotin, to increase platelet levels in the blood, papaya fruits used to reduce worm infestation in children by eating.

It can use to the treatment of cuts, rashes, stings, burns, ulcer, dysentery, indigestion etc.

Chemical content:

Papain, flavonols, chymopapain, tannin, steroids, Caricin oil, butonic acid,  linalool, etc.

Medicinal properties: 

Antimalarial, anti cancer activity,  anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic ans antioxidant.

How to prepare medicines:

One teaspoon of  young leaf juice mix with honey can use to increase platelet count (especially for Dengue fever)

It can controls cholesterol.

Consuming of ripe fruit gives better excretion, thus eliminating intestinal parasites from the stomach.

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