
The scientific name of Pachouli: Pogostemon cablin

Name of Pachouli in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Patra, Gandhaparta

Hindi: Patchouli

English: Patchouly

Malayalam: Pachila-പച്ചില, Pacholy, Patchouli-പച്ചോളി.

Tamil: Pachilai.

Plant description:

Pachouli is a bushy herb with erect stems, grow up to 2-3 feet, leaves are dark green, hairy, in height and bearing small, pale pink-white flowers borne in whorls, in the upper leaf axils; tubular, with five-toothed calyx; a tubular corolla with four equal lobes. The fruits are four seed like nut lets.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Heart shaped Margin-doubly serrated Venation-Cross venulated


Useful plant parts:

Leaf, oil

Medicinal uses:

To treat Vata, Pitta, skin disorders, common cold, varicose vein, anxiety, sexual weakness, inflammation, indigestion, rheumatism, arthritis, cough and anorexia.

Chemical contents:

Patchoulene, caryophyllene,  seychellene and a-guaiene,  Sesquiterpenes constitute 40-50% of the oil of patchouli. A crystalline fraction of non-sesquiterpenes alcohol called nor- patchoulenol has been isolated and found to be the true odour carrier of the oil of patchouli.

Medicinal Properties:

Aromatic, Anti-rheumatic, Antibacterial and insect repellent

Used as an ingredient to prepare the Ayurveda medicines like:

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