English: Indian Spurge Tree, Leafy milk hedge
Sanskrit: Pathrasnuk, vajra
Hindi: Thohar, Sehund, Sij
Malayalam: Elakkalli/Ilakkalli – ഇലക്കള്ളി
Tamil: Naga Kalli
It is a large branched shrub or small tree, that belongs to the euphorbia family, and grows to 1.8-4.5 m in height, with pairs of stipular spines on tubercles or swellings of the branchlets. Young plants have many branched that carry small leaves at the end, obovate, involucres yellowish, 3-7 in a cyme, usually 3, with a very short fleshy peduncle about 3.8 mm long, but it will disappear soon, most of them are erect, flowers are yellow while cracking plant stem or leaf, a white milky substance( latex) will occur. Stems are covered with thorns which are alternately and spirally arranged. Fruits are tricoccous, seeds brownish.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-longitudinal | Margin-Entire | Venation-pinnate |
Useful plant parts:
Latex, Stem, Leaves
Medicinal uses:
To reduce anxiety, and fits, to treat stomach, and skin cancers, as a wound healer, bronchitis, tumors, delirium, enlargement of the spleen tumors, leucoderma appetite, and inflammations.
Chemical content:
Friedelan-3alpha, friedelan-3beta-ol, taraxeroln-hexacosanol, Cyclo artenol, Euforbol.
Medicinal Properties:
Expectorant, digestive, stomach, abortive, carminative, antirheumatic.
How to prepare medicines:
The root of the plant is ground with black pepper and applied on affected areas for skin diseases, To remove warts apply latex directly, to remove the thorns from the body parts apply latex directly, well ground root mixed with water is an excellent antiseptic.
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