Sanskrit: Jatiphala
Hindi: Jaiphal जैफल/जायफल
Malayalam: Jathi ജാതി
Nutmeg (Miristica fragrans Houtt) is an evergreen tree, that grows up to 45 ft. tall. Leaves are dark green, arranged alternately, sized 15 cm long and 7 cm wide, and flowers are bell-shaped, pale yellow, and fleshy. The fruit is ovoid, seeds contain a fleshy husk when ripe The husk will split and the seed will appear partially. Seeds are purple or brown, shiny-sized, 2 to 3 cm long, and covered with a red aril, which is the source of mace.
Useful plant parts:
Seed, seeds cover.
Medicinal uses:
To treat vata, and losekapha disorders, increase digestive power, and lose motion.
Chemical content:
Anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, oleoresins
Chargeryadi Gulika | Kurinji Kuzhambu | Dhanwanthararishtam |
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