Niepa bark tree

The scientific name of Niepa bark tree: Samadera Indica

Name of Niepa bark tree in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Gucchakaranjah

Hindi: Lokhanadi

Malayalam: Karingotta കരിങ്ങോട്ട

Plant description:

Niepa bark tree is a small tree that grows up to 10 m tall. The leaves are large, up to 25 cm long and 9 cm wide, elliptic-oblong, entirely shining, the base is rounded, young leaves are pale yellow it becomes dark green while old; branches are yellowish dark, flowers are yellowish, in few or many flowered axillaries umbels, fruits are large, flat, pear-shaped, containing a large brown curved seed.

Useful plant parts:

Seeds, bark, leaves

Leaf Arrangement


Shape-Oblong, Elliptic Margin-Entire Venation-Pinnate
longitudinal  Margin_Entire  Venation-pinnate


Medicinal uses:

Febrifuge tonic, control Vata, Kapha, dyspepsia, flatulence, skin diseases, colic, pruritus, leprosy, scabies, pruritus, constipation and bilious fever.

Chemical constituents:

Phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidants, Antimicrobial, and wound healing.

Medicinal properties:

Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral,  antioxidant, and antitumor.

Scientific studies-learn more:

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