Needle bush

The scientific name of Needle bush: Azima tetracantha Lam

Name of Needle Bush in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Kandaki, Kunthaly, Kundali.

English: Bee sting bush, Fire-thorn

Hindi: Kanda-gur-kamay

Malayalam: Ysanku, യശങ്ക് Yasank, Sankukuppi-ശങ്ങുകുപ്പി

Plant description:

It is commonly found in Evergreen to Dry Deciduous Forests;  it is a bush that grows to 1- 2 meters tall, branched with spines that occur in leaf axils, dark green in color. Leaves are pale green tapered at the apex, oval to circular, oppositely arranged, each pair at right angles; leathery and hairy; margin entire; length up to 2 centimeters. The flowers are light green or pale yellow, small, commonly found in clusters in the axils; the fruits are berries, 1 cm in diameter, sharp at the tip; fleshy contain 1 to 2 seeds inside.

Leaf Arrangement


Shape-Oblong Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulated
 longitudinal  Margin_Entire  Recticulate


Useful plant parts:

Whole plant

Medicinal uses:

The Needle Bush plant is used in the treatment of Kapha, Vata disorders, bronchitis, cough, diabetes, diarrhea, asthma, and arthritis.

Chemical contents: 

Alkaloids, Flavanoids, and Sterol

Medicinal Properties:

Antimicrobial, Antibacterial activities, Antibiotics, Anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

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