
The scientific name of Naravelia: Naravelia zeylanica (Linn.)DC.

Name of Naravelia in different languages:-

English: Naravelia, Headache vine

Hindi: Vatanasini

Sanskrit: Dhanavalli, Vatanasini

Malayalam: Talavedanavalli, Vatakkodi, Vatamkolli,  Kuruppakodi

Tamil: Vatamkolli, Nintavalli, Thalavali Vally

Plant description:

It is a scandent or climbing shrub, found throughout India. with tuberous roots, wiry stem and strong tendrils; leaves 3-foliated, opposite, terminal leaflet modified into a 3-branched tendril, leaflets cordate, serrate or crenate, prominently nerved; flowers yellow, fragrant, in axillary or terminal panicles, sepals downy, petals linear–clavate, elongate; fruits aggregate of achenes, ending in twisted feathery tails, the roots are tuberous.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Cordate Margin-Spyni Venation-Arcuate
 Cordate-heartshaped  Margin_Spiny-Sharp-stiped-point  arcuate

Useful plant parts:

The whole plant, Root

Medicinal uses:

Rheumatalgia, odontalgia, helminthiasis, dermatopathy, leprosy cephalalgia, wounds colic, inflammations and ulcers.

Chemical content:

Taraxerol and β-sitosterol

Medicinal properties:

Antidermatitic, antirheumatic. The plant is astringent, bitter, sweet, anthelmintic, depurative, anodyne, anti-inflammatory and vulnerary.

Home remedy to reduce Migraine pain

To  treat the headache due to Migraine (Kodinji) collect the root of the plant early morning without any iron weapon and cover in a cotton cloth and inhale two to three times daily, Repeat this for three days


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