Synonyms: Artocarpus lakoocha, Artocarpus ficifolius
Family: Moraceae -Mulberry family.
English: Lakoocha
Sanskrit: ऐरावत Airawata, Amlaka, Dahu, Dridhavalkala, Granthimatphala
Hindi: लकुच Lakuch, लकूच Lakooch, लकूची Lakoochi
Tamil: ilagusam, irappala, solaippakku, tinippalavu
Malayalam: Arampuli-ആരംപുളി , lakucham, pulinjakka-പുളിഞ്ചക്ക
Bark, Fruits
Monkey Jack is a deciduous tree, heigh to 10-15 m tall. Branchlets are 3 to 6 mm thick, densely covered with stiff yellow velvety hairs. Stipules are ovate-lance-shaped, 4 to 5 cm long. The leaves are Elliptic, 25 to 30 cm long and 15 to 20 cm wide, on 2to 3 cm long stalks, covered with yellow bristles, arranged pinnately lobed, base wedge-shaped, apex blunt, margin entire or with small toothed. Flowers are yellowish, tiny. The fruits are almost round or irregular shaped, up to 5 inches broad, hairy, dull-yellow in colour, with sweet-sour pulp. Flowering is April to June.
To treat Anorexia, fever, constipation, obesity, digestive problems,skin disorders, wounds, liver disorders
Chemical content:
Tannin, lupol , flavanoid, Amyrin, beta sito sterol
Medicinal properties:
Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Digestive, purgative, Aphrodisiac
How to prepare medicines:
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