Medicinal Plants List

Blue Water Lily

The scientific name of Water Lily: Nymphaea stellata Name of Three-leaved caper in different languages:- Sanskrit: Neel Kamala Malayalam: Aambal English:…

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Brazelian pepper

The scientific name of the Brazilian pepper: is Piper colubrinum Link. Family:  Piperaceae Name of Brazilian pepper in different languages: Sanskrit:  Krushna…

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Butterfly pea

Scientific name of Butterfly pea: Clitoria ternatea/Convolvulus Pluricaulis Name of Butterfly pea in different languages:- English: Blue pea, Cordofan pea, and…

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The scientific name of Bulrush: Typha species Name of Bulrush in different languages:- English: club-rush, Beer grass, Deergrass. Sanskrit: Plava,…

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Bullet wood Tree

The scientific name of Bullet wood: is Mimusops Elengi Linn Name of Bullet Tree wood in different languages:- Sanscrit: Elanji Hindi:…

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Brown hemp

The Scientific name of Brown hemp: Crotalaria Juncea Name of Brown hemp in different languages:- English: Indian hemp, Madras hemp,…

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Bristly luffa

The Scientific name of Bristly luffa: Luffa echinata Name of Bristly luffa in different languages:- English: Bitter Sponge Gourd, bitter…

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The scientific name of Bridelia: Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd Name of Bridelia in different languages:- English: Bridelia Hindi: Kangiabe Sanskrit:…

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Brewers acacia

The scientific name of Brewer’s acacia: is Acacia leucorrhoea Synonyms: Mimosa leucophloea Name of Brewer’s acacia in different languages:- English:…

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The Scientific name of Brahmi: Bacopa Monnieri (L) Name of Brahmi in different languages: English: Thyme-leaved bacopa, water hyssop, Herb of grace…

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Bowstring Hemp

The scientific name of Bowstring Hemp: Sansevieria Roxburghians Name of Bowstring Hemp in different languages:- English: Indian Bowstring Hemp, mother-in-law’s tongue,…

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Bombay arrowroot

The scientific name of Bombay arrowroot: is Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. Name of Bombay arrowroot in different languages:- English: East Indian…

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Blumea Plant

The Scientific name of Blumea Plant: Blumea lacera Name of Blumea Plant in different languages: English: Blumea Sanskrit: कुकुंदर Kukundara, …

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Blue Wiss

The Scientific name of Blue Wiss: Glycine Labialis, Teramnus labialis Name of Blue Wiss in different languages:- English: Rabbit vine,…

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Blue Thorn apple

The scientific name of the Blue Thorn apple – is Datura metal Linn/ Datura StramoniumDatura Name of Blue Thorn apple…

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Blue Rattlepod

The scientific name of the Blue Rattle pod: is Crotalaria verrucosa Synonyms: Crotalaria coerulea, Crotalaria angulosa, Crotalaria mollis Family: Fabaceae…

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Blue Morning glory

The scientific name of Blue Morning Glory – Ipomoea nil Name of Blue Morning Glory in different languages:- Sanscrit: कलंजनी-Kalanjani,…

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Blue Leadwort

The scientific name of Blue Leadwort: Plumbago cadences Name of Blue Leadwort in different languages:- Sanskrit: Chitraka, Agni, Dahana Hindi: Chita…

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Blue Justicia

The scientific name of Blue Justicia:  Ecbolium linneanum Name of Blue Justicia in different languages:- English: Strobilanthus, Blue Justicia, Wild jack Sanscrit:…

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Blue gum Tree

The scientific name of Blue gum Tree :Eucalyptus globulus Name of Blue gum Tree in different languages:- English: Gum Tree…

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Blue Ginger

The scientific name of Blue Ginger: is Alpinia galanga Name of Blue Ginger in different languages:- English: Thai ginger, Java Galangal…

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The Scientific name: Blepharis boerhaaviifolia Pers Name  in different languages:- English: Blepharis, Creeping Blepharitis Hindi: दूधिया चोटी Dudhiya Choti, Uttagana Sanskrit: Uttanjan,…

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Scientific name of Blackthorne: Kaempferia rotunda Name of Blackthorne in different languages:- English:  Indian crocus, Peacock ginger, Round-rooted galangal Sanscrit:…

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Blackboard tree

The Scientific name of the Blackboard tree: is Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) Name of Blackboard tree in different languages:- English: Devil…

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Black Turmeric

The scientific name of Black Turmeric: is Curcuma caesia Name of Black Turmeric in different languages:- English: black zedoary, Black…

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Black Plum

Scientific name of Black Plum: Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeels Name of Black Plum in different languages:- English: Java Plum, Jamun…

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Black pepper plant

Scientific name of Black pepper plant: Piper nigrum Name of Black pepper in different languages:- Sanscrit: Maricham Hindi: Kalamirchi Malayalam: Kurumulak…

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Black oil plant

Scientific name of Black oil plant: Celastrus paniculatus Name of Black oil plant in different languages:- English: Intellect tree Sanskrit: Jyotish…

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Black Nightshade

Scientific name of Black Nightshade: Solanum nigrum Name of Black Nightshade in different languages:- English: Garden Nightshade, Hound’s Berry, Petty Morel,…

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Black maidenhair

The scientific name of Black maidenhair: is Adiantum lunulatum Name of Black maidenhair in different languages:- English: Walking maiden’s hair…

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Black Horsegram

The scientific name of the Horse gram: is Dolichos biflorus Linn. Name of Horse gram in different languages:- English: Cowpea,…

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Black Dammar Tree

Scientific name of Black Dammar Tree: Canarium strictum Name of Black Dammar Tree in different languages:- English: Black Dhup Hindi: Doopa…

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Black Cardamom

The Scientific name of Black Cardamom: Amomum subulatum Name of Black Cardamom in different languages:- English: hill cardamom, greater cardamom,…

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Black cherry

Scientific name of Black cherry: Carissa carandas Name of Black cherry in different languages:- Sanscrit: Karonda करौंदा English: caranda Malayalam: Kara-…

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Bitter nutmeg

The Scientific name of Bitter nutmeg: Myristica Dactyloides / Myristica Malabarica Lam Name of Bitter nutmeg in different languages:- English: Bombay Mace,…

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Black babool

The Scientific name of the Black Babool tree: is Acacia nilotica Family: Mimosaceae Name  of black babool in different languages: English:…

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The scientific name of Birthwort: Aristolochia bracteata Lin. Name of Birthwort in different languages:- English: Pipevine, Worm killer Sanscrit: Dhoomrapatra, Nakuli…

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Bird’s eye chili

The Scientific name of Bird’s eye chili: Capsicum frutescens Name of Bird’s eye chili in different languages:- Hindi: Chal Tamil: மிளகாய் Milagai…

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Birch-leaved acalypha

The scientific name of Birch-leaved acalypha: is Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. Other names: Acalypha betulina Retz., Acalypha amentcea Roxb Family: Euphorbiaceae.…

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Scientific name of Bilimbi: Averrhoa bilimbi Linn Name of Bilimbi in different languages:- English- Tree sorrel, cucumber tree Malayalam: Chilumbi, Elumbippuly…

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Beech wood

The Scientific name of Beechwood: is Gmelina arboria Name of Beechwood in different languages:- English: Gmelina, Goomar teak, Kashmir tree,…

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Bead tree

Scientific name of Bead tree: Elaeocarpus sphaericus Name of Bead tree in different languages:- English: Rosery nut, Utrasum bead tree, Blue…

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Beach Morning Glory

Scientific name of Beach Morning Glory: Ipomoea pes-caprae Name of Beach Morning Glory in different languages:- English: Goat’s Foot, Bayhops…

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Scientific name of Barley: Hordeum vulgare Linn Name of Barley in different languages:- English: Barley Sanskrit: Aksata, Akshata, Dhanyaraja, Yava…

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The scientific name of Barleria: Barleria mysorensis Roth / B. buxifolia L Name of Barleria in different languages:- English: Barleria…

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Bandicoot Berry

Scientific name of Bandicoot Berry: Leea indica Name of Bandicoot Berry in different languages:- Sanskrit: Chatri Hindi: कुकुर जिह्वा Kukur…

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Banana tree

Scientific name of Banana tree: Musa paradisiaca Linn. Name of Banana tree in different languages:- Sanskrit: Kadali, vana lakshmi, svaduphala, dirghapatra,…

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Black gram

Scientific name of Black gram: Vigna mungo Synonyms: Phaseolus mungo / Phaseolus viridissimus Name of Black gram in different languages:-…

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Black cumin seed

Scientific name of Black cumin seeds: Nigella sativa, Carum carvi Name of Black cumin seeds in different languages:- English: Caraway,…

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Black Creeper

Scientific name of Black Creeper: Ichnocarpus frutescens Name of Black Creeper in different languages:- Sanskrit: अनंत Ananta, Bhadra, Chandanagopa Hindi:…

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Black catechu

Scientific name of Black catechu: Acacia catechu Name of Black catechu in different languages:- English: Cutch tree, Terra Japonica. Sanscrit: Kuchandan Hindi:…

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Bitter Gourd

Scientific name of Bitter gourd: Momordica charantia Name of Bitter gourd in different languages:- Sanskrit: Karavella, Kaarvellakah, Kathillah, Paraaru, Sushavi,…

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Bitter Cucumber

Scientific name of Bitter Cucumber plant: Citrullus colocynthis Name of Bitter Cucumber plant in different languages:- English: Colocynth, bitter apple,…

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Black Siris

The scientific name of Black siris: Albizia odorattissima Benth. Synonyms: Acacia odorattissima Willd., Mimos odorattissima L. Name of Black siris…

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Betel pepper

Scientific name of Betel pepper: Piper betel Linn. Name of Betel pepper in different languages:- English: Chavica Betel Sanskrit: Tambulavalli, Tambula Hindi:…

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Bahama grass

Scientific name of Bahama grass: Cynodon dactylon Name of Bahama grass in different languages:- English: Dog’s tooth grass, Devil’s grass, Bermuda…

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Beetle killer

Scientific name of Beetle killer: Clerodendrum serratum Name of Beetle killer in different languages: English: Blue-flowered glory tree, Blue fountain…

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Beach Almond

Scientific name of Beach Almond: Terminalia bellirica Name of Beach Almond in different languages:- English: Baheda, Belliric Myrobalan, Bastard myrobalan,…

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Scientific name of Bayberry: Myrica esculenta / Myrica nagi Name of Bayberry in different languages:- English: Box myrtle, Sanskrit: kathphala,…

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Scientific name of Bamboo: Bambusa Arundinacea Name of Bamboo  in different languages:- Malayalam: Mula, Elli (മുള, ഇല്ലി) Sanskrit: Vamsha, आर्द्रपत्रक-Ardrapatrakah, वम्भ-Vambhah, वंश-Vamsh Hindi:बांस…

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Balloon Vine

The Scientific name of Balloon Vine: Cardiospermum Helicacabum Linn. Name of Balloon Vine in different languages: English: Heartseed vine, Love in…

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Scientific name of Bael: Aegle marmelos Name Bael in different languages:- English: Stone apple, wood apple, Bengal quince, golden apple Sanscrit:…

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