English: Gokulakanta, Chulli
Sanskrit: Kokilaksha, Ikshura
Hindi: Talmakhana, Kamtakalya
Malayalam: Vayalchulli, Chulli
Marsh Barbel is a fleshy aquatic perennial herb, that grows to the height of 2 m., erect, unbranched, stem hairy near to the swollen nodes, leaves are lance-shaped, stalkless, up to 15 cm long, found in whorls of 6 at the node of the stem, yellow, in each leaf axils there are 4 cm long spines. Flowers are purple-blue, and occur in 4 pairs at each node, 3 cm long and 2-lipped – the upper lip is two-lobed and the lower one tri-lobed with the length-wise fold. Flowering season is from October to April.
Useful plant parts:
Whole plant, The Roots, Leaves, and Seeds.
Medicinal uses:
To treat rinary calculus, cold, eye-diseases, dysentery, anemia, burning sensation, toxics, impotency increase sexual vigour.
Chemical content:
Aliphatic esters,oxo-hentriacontanyl acetate and methyl, Butelin, Stigmastero, and β-sitosterol, Lupeol, Asteracanthine and asteracanthinin.
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