English: Marothi tree, Chaulmugra
Sanskrit: Tuvaraka, Tuvarak, Katukapittha, Kunthavairy
Hindi: कालमोगरा Calmogara, Chalmogra, Chaulmoogra, Jangli Badam
Malayalam: Marotti മരോട്ടി
Marotti tree – Hydnocarpus laurifolia is a tropical evergreen, medium tree, with many branches, mostly in Western ghats, grow up to 10 m tall. Leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 8 to 23 cm long and 3.5 to 10 cm wide, oblong or elliptic-oblong, tip pointed, margin toothed. Branches brown fissured and blaze pinkish. Flowers are white or greenish white, solitary, borne in leaf axils, and flowering is from January to April. Fruits are brown, berries, woody, round, grow to 10 cm across, seeds numerous.
Useful plant parts:
Seed oil, seeds
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Lanceolate | Margin-Entire | Venation-Reticulate |
Medicinal uses:
Skin diseases, scrofula, rheumatism, eczema, leprosy, sprains, wounds and sores, Intestinal worms, helminthiasis, and infected wounds.
The chemical contents:
Antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, hypnocarpic acid, chaulmoorgic acid.
How to prepare medicines:
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