Mango tree

Scientific name of Mango tree: Mangifera indica

Name of Mango tree in different languages:

English:  spring tree / cupid’s favorite

Sanskrit: Amra, Kamashar, Madhavdruma, Bhringubhishta, Madirasav, Kokilabandhuk, Shukapriya, Sidhurasa, Vasantduta, Atisaurabha, Kharanasa.

Hindi:Aam ki ped.

Malayalam: Mavu മാവ്

Plant description:-

It is a big, tropical evergreen tree, that grows to a height up to 30 m; Leaves are simple, glossy green, waxy, alternate, clustered at the end of branches, petiole 10 to 75 mm long, glabrous, elliptic, linear-oblong, base acute, apex acuminate. The flowers are small, greenish-white, found in clusters at the branch end, flowering is January- February. The fruits are egg-shaped and fleshy drupe, up to 12 cm long, smooth, and greenish-yellow, when ripe, mesocarp becomes soft, sweet, and juicy.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Lanceolate Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulate
 longitudinal  Margin_Entire  Recticulate


Useful plant parts:

Bark, root, leaf, fruit, seed

Medicinal uses:

Support digestion and reduce acidity, treat pitta disorders (heat), anti-diuretic, anti-diarrheal, anti-emetic and cardiac herb.

Chemical content: 

Tannic acid, Mangiferin, xanthone, C-glycoside.

How to prepare medicines:

It is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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