English: Lime tree, Lemon
Sanskrit: Nimbuka, Jambira, Jambaka
Hindi: Nimbu
Malayalam: Cherunarakam- ചെറുനാരകം
Tamil: Narthankai.
It is an evergreen, medium-sized tree, grows up to 6 m tall, branches many, with stout spines. The leaves are dark green, leathery, oblong, and elliptical; grow up to 14 cm long. Flower buds are found in branch end, color purplish, flowers are white with five petals, up to 5 cm. Fruits are green globose up to 12.5 cm long, and when it ripen it become fragrant, color turn to yellow, with smooth to bumpy rinds with oil glands, watery. Fruits contain 6 – 10 white seeds inside.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Ovate | Margin-Entire | Venation-Reticulated |
Useful plant parts:
Medicinal uses:
Relieve the pain, treat kidney stones, and scurvy. It is one of the ingredients in Panchamlam – the herbal combination of five sours
Chemical contents:
Citric acid, vitamin C, and antioxidants
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