English: Multi-colored Lantana
Hindi: Name: CHATURANGI-चतुरंगी, Khaneri
Malayalam: Kongini, Poochedy, Aripoov, Nattachedi
Sanskrit: Chaturangi, Vanacchedi
Lantana is an erect, many-branched, woody, evergreen shrub, that grows up to 5 m.in the height. Leaves are simple, ovate, arranged oppositely, apex acute, margin dentated and rough. Flowers are small, multi-colored yellow to red colored found in branch apex, The fruits is drupes, fleshy, green turns dark blue when ripe, which is sweet and jelly-like, contain a single seed.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-ovate | Margin-dentated | Venation-reticulated |
Useful plant parts:
Whole plant, leaves, Flowers
Medicinal uses:
To treat vitiated vatha and kapha, skin diseases, malaria, epilepsy, toothache, wounds, convulsions, ulcers, swelling, fistula, and arthritis.
Chemical content:
Medicinal properties:
How to prepare medicines:
Dhobies itch: Made a decoction of raw turmeric and lantana weed leaves with stem applied three or more times on the affected area.
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