Synonyms: Holostemma annulare (Roxb) K.Schum., Holostemma rheedi Wall., Holostemma rheedianum auct non Spreng
Family: Asclepiadaceae
English: Holostemma Creeper
Sanskrit: Arkapushpi, ksheerini, Payaswini, Nagavalli.
Hindi: Chareevela
Malayalam: Adapathiyan-അടപതിയൻ, Jivanti.
Gujarat: Khiravel
Tamil: Palay kirai
Telungu: Palagurugu
It is a medicinal herb, evergreen vine with board leaves 7-15 cm length and 5-10 cm breadth, top of the leaf is smooth and bottom part is hairy. It produces milky latex so it is called milk vine. Rhizome is the useful part which changes its weight according to its age and content of protein include.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Triangle | Margin-Entire | Venation-Cross venulated |
Useful plant parts:
Rhizome, latex, Flower and Root
Medicinal uses:
Pregnancy care, Eye care, and Skin diseases, ulcers, wounds, gonorrhoea, coughs and stomach-ache. The milky Latex of plant is applied to heal ulcers and wounds, It is useful in eye troubles, blood vomiting, decaying, burning sensation, removes deranged bile, fever, constipation and cough.
Chemical contents:
Bark: alpha-Amyrin, beta-sitosterol, lupeol, alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, serine, threonine and valine.
Medicinal Properties:
Cooling, digestive, alternate, aphrodisiac, emollient, expectorant, galactagogue, ophthalmic, refrigerant, anti-rheumatic, anti-diabetic, rejuvenative, sweet and tonic.
Propagations: The plant is propagated by stem cuttings, mainly by seeds.
Roots cook in milk and allowed to dry in sunlight and making as powder, this can mix with milk (6 gram) and have daily before bed. It is mainly used in medicine for eye diseases, immunity power increaser. The milky Latex of the plant is applied to heal ulcers and wounds; the root paste is applied for eye inflammation and inflammation of the testes.
The plant is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings, but mainly by seeds
Harvesting and Processing : Harvesting can be done at the end of the second year when the vines start drying up. Roots are collected by deep digging and cleaned thoroughly in water. The tubers are cut in to pieces of 10 cm length and dried in sun before sale.
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