Family: Verbenaceae
English: Aaron’s Rod, Wild Verbena, Blue snakeweed
Hindi: Kariyartharani
Malayalam: Katapunuttu, Narivaly, Kattupunnuthu, Seemakongini
Tamil: Simainaibirunji
It is an annual shrub, found throughout Western Ghats areas, grows to 0.3-0.9 m in height, stems erect, and dichotomously branched. The leaves are 5-10 by 2.52-3.8 cm, elliptic, obtuse or acute, coarsely serrate, glabrous or nearly so, base much tapering and recurrently into the petioles which are consequently obscure. Flowers sessile, slender, nearly continuous glabrous spikes reaching 30 cm long, the rachis hollowed out beneath each flower, calyx 6 mm long, membranous, tubular, corolla deep blue, glabrous, filaments slender, hairy below, ovary glabrous. Style long, filiform, glabrous. Fruits 3-4 mm long, oblong, ribbed, splitting into 2 Pyrenees.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Elliptic | Margin-Dentate | Venation-palmate |
Useful plant parts:
Whole plant
Medicinal uses:
To treat ulcers, fevers, rheumatic inflammation, dysentery, eye trouble, open sores in children’s ears, cure heart trouble
Medicinal properties:
Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic.
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