English: Finger Gourd, Little gourd
Sanskrit: thudikeri, Rakthaphala, bimbika
Hindi: कुन्द्रू Kunduru
Tamil: கோவை Kovai
Malayalam: Koval-കോവൽ,
Useful plant parts: Root, Lea
Ivy Gourd is a vine climbing with tendrils; Leaves are up to 7 cm long and 5 cm broad, arranged palmately 3 to 5-lobed, broadly ovate to orbicular, base cordate, apex acute. Flowers are white, born in axillaries, solitary, up to 3.5 cm long, Fruits are oblong, dark green up to 5 cm long, and 2.5 cm., while ripe it turn pulp red. Seeds many, 6 to mm long, oblong, compressed, pale white, and tapered on both ends
Medicinal uses: to treat fever, asthma, leprosy, bronchitis, jaundice, scabies etc.
Ivy Gourd, known as Tindora or Kundru in Ayurveda, has various applications in traditional medicine:
Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner or Ayurvedic specialist before using Ivy Gourd or any other herb for medicinal purposes. They can provide guidance on proper dosage and usage based on individual health conditions.
Chemical contents: Proteins, Vitamin C, Antioxidant.
One of Jeevana Panchamoolam
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