Sanskrit: Vanjula
Hindi: Bodh, Bains
English: Indian Willow
Malayalam: Vanchiവഞ്ചി, Attupala-ആറ്റുപാല
Tamil: Atrupalai.
Indian Willow tree is a deciduous tree, that grows to 25 m high, commonly found in wet and muddy places, bark rough, with deep vertical fissures. The leaves are simple, alternate, smooth and glazed, lance-shaped, apex acuminate; size up to 8 to 15 cm long, with toothed margins, young leaves are silky. Flowers are found in axillary catkins, greenish-yellow, up to 6 cm long, like bottle brush flowers, The fruits are capsules, long, stipulate,4 valved, in the cluster of 3 – 4, seeds are long up to four numbers.
Useful plant parts:
Bark, leaf
Medicinal uses:
To treat rheumatism, piles, VD, bladder stones, epilepsy, and swelling.
Indian Willow, known as Salai Guggul in Ayurveda, has several important uses:
1. Anti-inflammatory: It’s valued for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing inflammation and pain.
2. Joint Health: Indian Willow is commonly used to alleviate joint pain, making it beneficial for conditions like arthritis.
3. Respiratory Support: It can be used to address respiratory issues like cough and bronchitis.
4. Digestive Aid: It’s believed to support healthy digestion and may be used in cases of digestive disorders.
5. Skin Health: Indian Willow can be applied topically to address skin conditions like wounds and boils.
6. Rheumatism: It’s traditionally used to manage symptoms of rheumatic conditions.
7. Analgesic: Due to its pain-relieving properties, it’s used to alleviate various types of pain.
8. Wound Healing: It can be applied externally to promote wound healing.
Chemical contents:
Antioxidants, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate
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