Indian Tulip Tree

The Scientific name of the Indian tulip tree: Thespesia populnea

Name of Indian tulip tree  in different languages:

English: Portia Tree, Milo tree, Tulip tree

Sanskrit: Phalish, Kapichudha, Kapitana, Pushpashvattha, Nandi vriksha

Malayalam: Poovarasu പൂവരശ്ശ്.

Plant description:

It is a medium tree, evergreen bushy tree, that grows up to 35 ft tall, the leaves are heart-shaped, tapered at the apex, and length up to 5 cm, and resembles the leaves of a Banyan tree, the flowers are cup-shaped, yellow and a maroon eye at center, that changes to purple when age. The fruits are apple-shaped.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-heart shaped Margin-Entire Venation-parallel
 heartshaped  Margin_Entire  parallel2


Useful plant parts:

Bark, leaf, seed, flower

Medicinal uses:

To increase blood counts, dysentery and hemorrhoids, skin diseases, and blood pressure.

Ayurveda uses of Indian tulip tree

1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: The bark of the Indian tulip tree is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory conditions.

2. Digestive Disorders: The plant is used in Ayurveda to address digestive issues. It is believed to help with conditions like indigestion, flatulence, and abdominal pain.

3. Wound Healing: The bark and leaves of the Indian tulip tree have been traditionally used in Ayurveda for wound healing. They are believed to have properties that promote the regeneration of skin tissue.

4. Respiratory Conditions: Some traditional Ayurvedic practitioners use Indian tulip tree preparations to address respiratory problems. It is believed to have expectorant properties, making it potentially useful in conditions like cough and cold.

5. Skin Disorders: The paste made from the bark or leaves of the Indian tulip tree is sometimes applied topically for various skin conditions. It is believed to have soothing and healing properties.

6. Anti-microbial Properties: Some studies suggest that extracts from the Indian tulip tree may have antimicrobial properties. This may make it potentially useful in fighting certain types of infections.

7. Rheumatic Conditions: In Ayurveda, it is believed that the Indian tulip tree has properties that may be beneficial for rheumatic conditions, which involve pain and inflammation in joints and muscles.

8. Fever: Some traditional Ayurvedic formulations may include the Indian tulip tree as a component for its potential antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties.

9. Hemorrhoids: The plant is also used in some Ayurvedic formulations for addressing hemorrhoids. It is believed to have properties that may help in reducing pain and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.

10. Anti-diabetic Properties: Some research suggests that certain compounds in the Indian tulip tree may have hypoglycemic effects, which means they may help regulate blood sugar levels.

Chemical content:

How to prepare medicines: 4-5 leaves of Portia tree boil in 1 liter of water and use daily to drink can increase counts after the chemotherapy of Cancer patients.

It is  one of the ingredients in the Ayurveda medicines like-

Mutra Sangrahaniya

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