English: Procumbent yellow sorrel, sleeping beauty, Sour six leaves, Creeping Wood Sorrel, Creeping Oxalis.
Sanskrit: Cangeri, Amlaparnika, Triparni
Hindi: Amrul अम्रुल
Malayalam: Puliyaral-പുളിയാറൽ
Useful plant parts: Whole plant
Indian sorrel or creeping woodsorrel -Oxalis corniculata is a herbaceous creeping and branching, little erect, low-growing plant as a weed found in plane areas grounds, etc., leaves are alternately arranged, trifoliate rounded leaflets, colored green to purple, fruits are capsules up to 2 cm long, contain 1 mm log seeds inside. The flowers are small, yellow, five petals, 7 to 11 mm wide, and occur in long stalks.
Medicinal uses of Indian sorrel:
to treat Vata, Kapha disorders, dysentery, hemorrhoids, skin disorders, fever, influenza, diarrhea, traumatic injuries, urinary tract infections, skin rashes, eruptions, insect bites, and burns.
Chemical content: beta carotene, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
How to prepare medicines:
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