Indian snakeroot

The Scientific name of Indian snakeroot: Rauwolfia serpentina

Name of Indian snakeroot in different languages:

Sanskrit: Saptaparna, Vishaltvak, Sharad, Suparnak, Sahachad, Yugmaparna, Munichad, Bahuparna, Shalmalipatrak, Madagandha, Gandhiparna.

English: Sarpagandha  

Hindi: Chota chand, Chandrabagha.

Malayalam: Sarpagangdhi സർപ്പഗന്ധി, Amalpori.

Tamil: Charpaganda-சர்பகந்தா.

Plant description:

 It is a shrub, commonly grow as wild, In evergreen forest and and deciduous forests in Indian, it is small, glaborous and deep rooted plant grows up to 1 m. height, leaves are lanceolate, acute apex, dark green, and there are three leaves from a node, flowering season is starting from September, flowers are seen in a cluster coloured red, flowers are white in color, arranged in lateral corymbose cymes.The fruits are green and ripe in one month and became pink in color fruiting is Nov-Dec.

Leaf Arrangement


Shape- lanceolate Margin-Entire Venation-pinnate
 Margin_Entire  Venation-pinnate


Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

To treat venomous reptiles bite and insect bite, high BP, mental disorders, anti tumorous (Prevent tumor cells growth), mental disorders.

Chemical content:

yohimbine, Alkaloid (Ajmaloon reserpine), ajmaline, deserpidine, rescinnamine, serpentinine.

Medicinal Properties

Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiuretic, antifungal,  antiproliferative and anticholinergic.


False snake root-Rauvolfia tetraphylla Linn Wild Sarpagandhi-Kattamalpory
Sarpagandhi-Amalpory kattu-sarpagandy

It is one of the ingredients in the Ayurveda medicines like:-

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