Sanskrit: Sreekhandam, Swethachandanam
Hindi: Chandan
Malayalam: Chandana ചന്ദനം
Useful plant parts: heartwood, oil
India sandalwood (Santalum album) is an evergreen tree, erect, that grows at a height of up to 9 meters. It grows with other trees’ roots as parasites. Leaves are bright green, thin, oppositely arranged, and ovate to lanceolate. Flowers are borne in clusters at the branch end, maroon in color, and five petals. Fruits or berries are red when ripe, is produced after three years, the heartwood is the useful part, pale green to white in color.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Elongated | Margin-Entire | Venation-Reticulate |
Medicinal uses:
Skin diseases, cough, jaundice
How to prepare medicines:
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