Indian Dill

Scientific name of Indian Dill: Anethum graveolens L / Anethum Sowa

Name of Dill in different languages:

Sanskrit: Shathapuzhpa, Shathahwa, Madura, Krishna jeera.

Hindi: Sowasabji

Malayalam: Chadakuppa ചതകുപ്പ

Plant description:

Dill belongs to the celery family,  an annual herb that grows up to 60 cm tall, leaves are small, pale green, thread like, size to 10 to 20 cm long. Flowers are white or pale yellow, in small umbels, up to 9 cm in diameter. Stems are hollow, slender, and alternately arranged. The seeds are 4 to 5 mm long.

Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

To treat Vata, Kapha disorders,  digestive problems, and flatulence in children, relieves intestinal spasms, relieves period pains, Breast milk enhancement, and prevents colic.

Chemical content:

Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid and Folate.

Medicinal Properties: 

Antihalitosis, Aromatic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative, Diuretic, Galactogogue.

Indian Dill Ayurveda Medicinal Uses

Indian Dill, scientifically known as Anethum sowa, is an herb that has been used in traditional Indian medicine, known as Ayurveda, for various medicinal purposes. It is also commonly known as “Sowa” in Hindi.

In Ayurveda, Indian Dill is believed to have the following medicinal uses:

  1. Digestive Aid: Indian Dill is considered to be a carminative herb, meaning it may help relieve digestive discomfort, such as bloating, gas, and indigestion.
  2. Appetite Stimulant: It is believed to stimulate the appetite and may be used to promote healthy eating habits.
  3. Antispasmodic Properties: Indian Dill is thought to have antispasmodic effects, which may help relax and soothe the digestive tract.
  4. Diuretic Properties: It is believed to have diuretic properties, potentially aiding in the elimination of excess fluids and waste from the body.
  5. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Some traditional uses of Indian Dill suggest it may have anti-inflammatory effects, which could be beneficial for conditions involving inflammation.
  6. Respiratory Support: It is sometimes used in remedies for respiratory conditions like coughs and bronchitis.
  7. Mild Sedative: Indian Dill is believed to have mild sedative properties, which may help promote relaxation.
  8. Antimicrobial Properties: It is thought to have properties that may help fight against certain types of microbes.
  9. Menstrual Disorders: In some traditional remedies, Indian Dill is used to address menstrual irregularities and discomfort.
  10. Galactagogue (Milk Production): It is believed to stimulate milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
  11. Antioxidant Properties: Indian Dill is thought to contain compounds with antioxidant properties, which may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  12. Stress Relief: It is sometimes used to help alleviate stress and anxiety.

As with any herbal remedy, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using Indian Dill for medicinal purposes. Additionally, ensure that any preparations or supplements you consider using are obtained from reputable and trusted sources.

Remember that while traditional uses of herbs like Indian Dill have been passed down through generations, scientific research on their efficacy and safety is still ongoing. Always seek professional advice for any health concerns or conditions you may have.

Dill is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines

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