Indian aconite

Scientific name of Indian aconite: Aconitum heterophyllum wall

Name of Indian aconite in different languages:

English: Monk’s hood

Sanskrit: Visha

Hindi: Meeta Vish

Malayalam: Athividayam-അതിവിടയം, Vatsanabhi-വത്സനാഭി

Plant description:

Indian aconite or Monk’s hood is a herb, growing up to 1 m tall, root biennial, leaves are 5-10 cm long, acute leaves sharply toothed, palmate with deeply lobed, the flowers in the raceme, more than 2.5 cm long, bright blue to greenish-blue with purple veins.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Deeply lobed palmate Margin-Entire Venation-parallel

Useful plant parts:

Whole plant

Medicinal uses:

Vomiting, Fever, Kapha, Dysentery, it is used in snake bites. It is highly toxic.

Ayurveda uses of Indian aconite

In Ayurveda, Indian aconite may be used in very controlled and highly diluted forms for specific therapeutic purposes. Here are some potential uses:

  1. Rheumatic Conditions: Indian aconite may be used in Ayurveda for its potential analgesic properties, particularly in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and joint pain.
  2. Fever: In Ayurveda, Indian aconite may be employed in carefully controlled doses for its potential antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties.
  3. Cardiac Disorders: In very controlled and expertly administered forms, Indian aconite may be used in Ayurveda for certain cardiac conditions.
  4. Respiratory Disorders: It may be used in extremely small quantities for its potential expectorant properties to help clear respiratory congestion. However, this usage is rare and highly specialized.
  5. Digestive Disorders: Indian aconite may be used in Ayurvedic preparations for digestive issues, but it’s crucial to emphasize that this should only be done under the strict supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

It is important to reiterate that due to its extreme toxicity, the use of Indian aconite should never be attempted without the guidance of a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner. Even in controlled and diluted forms, it should be used with the utmost caution.

In modern times, due to its high toxicity, Indian aconite is not commonly used in mainstream Ayurvedic practice. Safer alternatives with similar therapeutic properties are usually preferred. Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before considering the use of any potentially toxic herb.

How to prepare medicines:

Indian aconite is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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