Gum arabic tree

Scientific name of Gum arabic tree: Acacia nilotica/ Acacia arabica

Name  of Gum arabic tree in different languages:

English: Prickly acacia, Rusty Acacia, Thorn tree, Egyptian mimosa, Egyptian thorn,  Babool, Babul.

Sanskrit: Arimedham, Babboola

Hindi: Babool

Malayalam: Karivelam കരിവേലം, Karuvelamകരുവേലം

Plant description:

Thorn Mimosa is a small or medium spiny tree, evergreen, grows 7 to 13 m tall,  stem diameter of up to 30 cm. The crown is low, spreading symmetrically, and rounded and umbrella-shaped. The bark is dark brown to black, A gum is presented in the bark, which is called ‘Gum Arabic’. The leaves are bipinnate, up to 7 cm long, with 2 – 14 pairs of pinnae, leaflets are 1.5 – 7 mm long. The flowers are bright yellow in color, borne on globe-shaped heads, sweetly scented.  Fruits are pods that contain  8-16 seeds.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Bi-pinnate Margin-Entire Venation-pinnate

Useful plant parts:

Leaf, root, stem, and gum (Gum arabic).

Medicinal uses of Gum Arabic tree:

To treat Gonorrhea, dysentery, diarrhea, and diabetics, to stop bleeding, breast milk increases and the bark is chewed to protect against scurvy.

Ayurveda medicinal PlantGum Arabic Tree

The Gum Arabic Tree, scientifically known as Acacia Senegal, holds significance in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is referred to as “Babool” or “Babul.” Various parts of this tree, including the bark, leaves, gum, and seeds, are utilized for their therapeutic benefits:

  1. Gum (Acacia Gum or Babul Gum): Used for its astringent and demulcent properties. It’s beneficial for conditions like diarrhea, and dysentery, and as a wound healer.
  2. Bark: Recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and astringent qualities. It may be employed for oral health, skin issues, and digestive disorders.
  3. Leaves: Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, the leaves are used in treating skin ailments, and dental issues, and as a wound healer.
  4. Seeds: Used for their cooling properties and are considered beneficial for skin disorders and eye health.
  5. Resin (Gum Arabic): Valued for its demulcent and emollient properties, it is used in formulations for coughs and digestive issues.

Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before using any part of the Gum Arabic Tree for medicinal purposes. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Chemical content:


Medicinal Properties: 

Antiseptic  expectorant

How to prepare medicines:

The root of the plant is used to treat tuberculosis; wood is used to treat smallpox, crushed leaves are poultice and used to treat ulcers.

Gum Arabic tree is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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