Golden eyed grass

Scientific name of Golden eyed grass: Curculigo Orchioides

Name of Golden eyed grass in different languages:

English: Xian mao, weevil-wort, black musli, Kali Musli

Sanskrit: Thalamooli, Thalapthrika, Varagi

Hindi: Kalimusli, Musli, Nelpatha

Malayalam: Nilappana നിലപ്പന

Plant description:

Golden eye-grass or Nilappana(Curculigo orchioides) is a small perennial herb, leaves are lanceolate, radical, strongly nerved, clustered and sized 10 to 15 cm long and 2 cm wide, Perianth is yellow, rhizome up to 15 cm long, oblong and black peripheral, flowers are in racemes, solitary or 3 to 5; yellow in colour, flowering and fruiting is in between June and December.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Linear Margin-Entire Venation-parallel

Useful plant parts:

Rhizomes, leaf

Medicinal uses:

To treat jaundice, swelling, feminine diseases like over menstruation, pain, vaginal disorders, burning sensation while urinating.

Ayurveda medicinal uses of Golden eyed grass

  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: It may be used to alleviate inflammation and related conditions.
  2. Digestive Support: It might be employed to aid digestion and address digestive discomfort.
  3. Wound Healing: It could have properties that promote wound healing and skin health.
  4. Detoxification: Some sources suggest it may assist in detoxification processes in the body.
  5. Urinary Health: It might have properties that support urinary health.
  6. Antioxidant Effects: It could potentially offer antioxidant benefits.
  7. Anti-microbial: There might be some antimicrobial properties associated with this herb.

Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner or an Ayurvedic expert before using any herb for medicinal purposes. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Chemical content:

Curculigosides, orchioides

How to prepare medicines:

Golden eyed-grass is the one of the ingredients in the Ayurveda medicines like-

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